Monday, September 29, 2014

Where to get the Information?

When we start have an assignment for report or research, what do we need to do first? I'm sure the first things students do would be, find out an information as much as they can.

In writing, one aspect that we need to consider is evaluating resources. Although we can simply obtain an information from search engines, but sometimes the information obtained was not reliable nor credible. When we find out the sources, we need to consider their date of resources, peer-review, the author and references.

Today, we don't have to go to the library to find out the books. We have an effective system called EzAccess that was specifically designed for UiTM students and staff. This library database system is very easy and helpful for hundred user at a time. You just key in the keywords and lot of journal would appears to help you in writing task.

Thus, as one of UiTM residents, why don't we appreciate this helpful database system that can help in our writing task whether it is report or research.

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