Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Summarizing need to be both concise and precise. It is understandable that summarizing is a shortened version of a text using your own words. 

Example :
Original : One of the most noticeable phenomena in any big city, such as London or Paris, is the steadily increasing number of petrol-driven vehicles, some in private ownership, others belonging to the public transport system, which congest the roads and render rapid movement more difficult year by year.

Summarizing ver. : Big cities have growing traffic problems.

But, remember that even when you summarize other's work, you still need to acknowledge it (citation).

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Let's Paraphrasing!

In order to avoid plagiarism and cheating, we have come to paraphrase. Paraphrasing simply means that you take other person's idea and restate it by your own words. Simple right? But actually it is hard and difficult as you want to change the structure because it would take lot of grammar and vocabulary step.

You have to include three conditions in order to have a good paraphrase statement. Includes all important points, change the structure as much as you can and give citations to the owner. Students tend to forget to put the credit to the owners. This citation step is very crucial to show that you appreciate other's work and shows that you are doing the homework by acknowledging other's people work.

When you restate the phrases, you’re not stealing the unique phrase of the original, but use the similar meaning in term of vocabulary or change the structure of the sentence. 

Thus, it is not hard to avoid plagiarism, right? Just need some efforts that will benefits you though.